Selection criteria of Moissanite drill:1

Selection criteria of Moissanite drill:1

With the advent of Moissanite diamond, more and more young consumer users generally know that Moissanite diamond is the perfect substitute for diamond, diamond is good or bad by 4C parameters to judge the standard, used in Moissanite is the same, so how to choose high-quality Moissanite?


First we need to familiarize ourselves with the Moissanite drill cutter

As we all know, the 4C are the way to judge the quality and value of a diamond or Moissanite. That is to judge the stone: color, cutting, clarity and carat weight. All other things being equal, the better the cut grade, the more valuable the diamond. Which color clarity and carat weight are natural forging, only the cutting can be affected by human. So some professionals regard cutting as the most important 4C in the quality of Moissanite and diamonds.

A well-cut Moissanite will present a dazzling light, even in a crowded crowd can not hide the charm of the Moissanite. Most defects in clarity, color, and even weight can be forgiven if the cut is done well. The Moissanite drill cut grade also indicates the degree of sophistication of the design and workmanship. Therefore, knowing the grade of Moissanite drill cutting is the key to selecting Moissanite drill, not only to ensure aesthetics, but also to ensure the best value for money.

What is a cutter

To understand the Moissanite drill and cutter, it is important to understand that the Moissanite drill or diamond cutter does not refer to the shape of the diamond, but to the proportion, symmetry, and effect of cutting and polishing the diamond.

Most diamond articles will be diamond cutting and diamond cutting effect in one area, and do not remove the reader from the confusion of cutting and cutting. In fact, the level of Moissanite drilling depends on the interaction between the facets and the light. From the raw stone to the finished diamond, complex processes and exquisite grinding techniques are required, so that the proportion, symmetry and finish can perfectly reveal the unique brilliance of the Moissanite.

A good cutter, to the Moissanite diamond charming fire color to a greater extent. The proportion of poor Moissanite drill is easy to leak light, but the leakage of light Moissanite drill fire color will lose a lot, there will be a central black fisheye drill, and so on. Therefore, it is particularly important to find a regular jewelry enterprise when purchasing.

The most classic and popular Moissanite drill is the eight heart eight arrow cutter. The cutter did a perfect job of cutting the diamond into eight symmetrical hearts and eight arrows. Eight hearts and eight arrows unite as one, metaphor "encounter, love, hint, dream, first kiss, lingering, tacit understanding and mountain alliance" eight beautiful artistic conception.

No matter from any Angle, you can see the brightest and most dazzling light, its eight hearts and eight arrows reflected the meaning of love, incomparable and wonderful. Eight hearts and eight arrows are symmetrical to each other, just like Cupid's visit. Through the reflection of heart and arrow, love is firm. Therefore, the eight hearts and eight arrows cutter is also known as "Cupid cutter". The light emitted between Cupid will be the most perfect interpretation of the dazzling mood when love comes.

Still want to know how to pick Moissanite? Stay tuned for the next one.

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